Contract addresses

Asset Loan

Fixed-interest loan on an individual NFT

  • v2.3 contract - DirectLoanFixedOffer - ACTIVE

    • Applicable for loans made after October 12, 2023

    • Contract Address: 0xd0a40eB7FD94eE97102BA8e9342243A2b2E22207

  • v2.2 contract - DirectLoanFixedOfferRedeploy - ACTIVE

    • Applicable for loans made between October 21, 2022 and October 12, 2023

    • Contract Address: 0x8252Df1d8b29057d1Afe3062bf5a64D503152BC8

  • v2 contract - DirectLoanFixedOffer - PAUSED

    • Applicable for loans made before October 21, 2022

    • Contract Address: 0xf896527c49b44aAb3Cf22aE356Fa3AF8E331F280

Standing Collection Offer Loan

Fixed interest loan for offers on an NFT collection

  • v2.3 contract - DirectLoanFixedCollectionOffer - ACTIVE

    • Applicable for loans made after October 12, 2023

    • Contract Address: 0xD0C6e59B50C32530C627107F50Acc71958C4341F

  • v2 contract - DirectLoanFixedCollectionOffer - ACTIVE

    • Applicable for loans made before October 12, 2023

    • Contract Address: 0xe52cec0e90115abeb3304baa36bc2655731f7934

Supporting Contracts

  • Direct Loan Coordinator

    • Manages Promissory Notes, Obligation Receipts, and Loans

    • Contract Address: 0x329E090aCE410aC8D86f1f0c2a13486884E7072a

  • Promissory Note

    • NFT representing the lender position, transferable

    • Contract Address: 0x20895578f8ecFf6Ab34c9928544077fF595F177C

  • Obligation Receipt

    • NFT representing the borrower position, transferable

    • Contract Address: 0xAAbd3EBCc6AE1e87150c6184C038b94dC01a7708

Bundles of NFTs

  • NFTfi Bundler

    • Bundles multiple NFTs, requires wrapping in Immutable Bundler to seal the bundle

    • Contract Address: 0x0259119359Bf053ebF42C9807752de6bbb4925f3

  • Immutable Bundler

    • Wrapper to seal NFTfi Bundles

    • Contract Address: 0x46C9CFB32627B74F91e0B5ad575c247AEc7e7847


Coordinates Refinancing by paying off existing loans and initiating new loans

Deprecated Contract Address

v2 contract (fixed loan on an individual NFT) for loans made before October 21, 2022:

You can find more about our smart contracts here:

Last updated